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#   Cell counts from water samples, Mariana and Kermadec trenches, 2014
#   D. Bartlett (UCSD)
#   version: 2017-12-15
#       NOTE: cruise_id, cruise_name, station, date and time deployed aal/UTC flagd, and loc by BCO-DMg were added by BCO-DMO from ship deployment log datasets
#       NOTE: sample RG10 in this dataset is equivalent to RG09 in the event log, due to at-sea recording error. RG10-2 is equivalent to RG10 in the event log.
Sample_ID         Trench      Cell_counts_mL    Depth    Type           Latitude    Longitude    cruise_id  cruise_name  STATION  LANDER  local_or_UTC  DATE_DEPLOYED  TIME_DEPLOYED  DATE_RECOVERED  TIME_RECOVERED  LATITUDE_log    LONGITUDE_log   MULTIBEAM_DEPTH  
RG18              Mariana     22753             5627     Lander         12.6986     144.6506     FK141109   HADES-M      1        RG18    local         20141208       1040           20141208        1635            12.6925         144.6529        5627             
RG17              Mariana     17466             5660     Lander         12.6931     144.6546     FK141109   HADES-M      1        RG17    local         20141207       1546           20141208        0912            12.6931         144.6546        5660             
RG16              Mariana     8734              7140     Lander         12.3814     144.7059     FK141109   HADES-M      5B       RG16    local         20141206       1630           20141207        0858            12.3814         144.7059        7140             
RG15              Mariana     7308              8720     Lander         12.2530     144.6431     FK141109   HADES-M      13       RG15    local         20141205       1717           20141206        1022            12.253          144.6431        8720             
RG14              Mariana     8020              10525    Lander         12.0642     144.5888     FK141109   HADES-M      12       RG14    local         20141204       1625           20141205        1220            12.0642         144.5888        10525            
RG12              Mariana     7760              8518     Lander         12.1973     144.8291     FK141109   HADES-M      10B      RG12    local         20141203       8              20141203        1224            12.1973         144.8291        8518             
RG11              Mariana     11073             9067     Lander         12.0429     144.8772     FK141109   HADES-M      10A      RG11    local         20141201       1820           20141202        2233            12.0429         144.8772        9067             
RG10-2            Mariana     9709              5026     Lander         11.4189     144.4118     FK141109   HADES-M      09A      RG10    local         20141130       1425           20141201        1045            11.4189         144.4118        5025             
RG10              Mariana     25073             4616     Lander         11.3965     144.4420     FK141109   HADES-M      09B      RG09    local         20141129       1400           20141130        1030            11.3965         144.4442        4616             
RG08              Mariana     8299              7660     Lander         11.8923     144.9569     FK141109   HADES-M      7        RG08    local         20141125       1618           20141126        0749            11.8923         144.9569        7660             
RG07              Mariana     11278             6957     Lander         11.8015     144.9618     FK141109   HADES-M      7        RG07    local         20141124       1612           20141125        0107            11.8015         144.9618        6957             
RG06              Mariana     19990             6877     Lander         11.8901     144.8428     FK141109   HADES-M      6        RG06    local         20141122       1027           20141122        1700            11.8901         144.8428        6877             
RG05              Mariana     18843             7633     Lander         11.9198     144.8767     FK141109   HADES-M      6        RG05    local         20141121       1601           20141122        0917            11.9197         144.8767        7633             
RG04              Mariana     25470             7591     Lander         12.3336     144.7002     FK141109   HADES-M      05B      RG04    local         20141120       1349           20141121        0920            12.3336         144.7002        7591             
RG02              Mariana     17790             6065     Lander         12.5188     144.7440     FK141109   HADES-M      2        RG02    local         20141112       2054           20141113        1417            12.5188         144.744         6065             
RG01              Mariana     20621             5025     Lander         12.7306     144.6708     FK141109   HADES-M      1        RG01    local         20141110       1958           20141111        0755            12.7306         144.6708        5025             
Lego1_Day2_PRS    Mariana     184065            10700    Lego PRS       11.3664     142.4326     FK141215   nd           nd       Leggo1  local         20141216       900            20141216        1926            11.36639        142.432555      nd               
Lego1             Mariana     14307             10700    Lego Niskin    11.3664     142.4326     FK141215   nd           nd       Leggo1  local         20141216       900            20141216        1926            11.36639        142.432555      nd               
EL9               Kermadec    22800             10004    Lander         -31.9309    -177.2898    TN309      HADES-K      nd       EL09    UTC           20140508       2308           20140510        2129            -31.93094167    -177.289845     10004            
EL8               Kermadec    19791             9179     Lander         -32.8505    -177.6541    TN309      HADES-K      nd       EL08    UTC           20140507       2210           20140508        1644            -32.85053833    -177.65406      8952(Uncorrected)  
EL7               Kermadec    25364             8082     Lander         -34.3403    -178.1762    TN309      HADES-K      nd       EL07    UTC           20140506       0301           20140507        1219            -34.34031       -178.1761917    7950             
EL6               Kermadec    23156             7139     Lander         -35.8396    -178.8797    TN309      HADES-K      nd       El06    UTC           20140504       1349           20140506        0521            -35.839615      -178.8796683    7147             
EL5               Kermadec    25558             6084     Lander         -35.9041    -178.9619    TN309      HADES-K      nd       EL05    UTC           20140502       0714           20140503        0251            -35.90407       -178.9618767    6084             
EL4               Kermadec    33124             6096     Lander         -35.9046    -178.9623    TN309      HADES-K      nd       EL04    UTC           20140501       0157           20140501        1930            -35.90464667    -178.96231      6069             
EL2               Kermadec    19722             4046     Lander         -37.7337    179.8189     TN309      HADES-K      nd       EL02    UTC           20140413       2041           20140415        1950            -37.733695      179.81889       4113             
EL12              Kermadec    14289             7192     Lander         -31.9428    -177.0907    TN309      HADES-K      nd       EL12    UTC           20140513       1434           20140514        0042            -31.942755      -177.0907       7192?            
EL11              Kermadec    14954             6502     Lander         -31.8932    -177.5319    TN309      HADES-K      nd       EL11    UTC           20140512       0237           20140512        1006            -31.89323833    -177.5319217    6502             
EL10              Kermadec    14180             7393     Lander         -31.9358    -177.4991    TN309      HADES-K      nd       EL09    UTC           20140511       431            20140511        1310            -31.93580667    -177.49912      7393             
CTD2              Kermadec    554702            62       Lander         -31.8960    -177.5817    TN309      HADES-K      nd       CTD02   UTC           20140511       2255           20140511        2331            -31.895955      -177.58174      nd               
CTD1              Kermadec    21280             5000     Lander         -31.9341    -177.2916    TN309      HADES-K      nd       CTD01   UTC           20140510       0600           20140510        0930            -31.93409       -177.2915617    5000